Tag Archives: graffiti

Owww… that REALLY hurt!


Doesn’t Banksy‘s latest NYC piece remind you of the YouTube darling, Charlie Bit My Finger?

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Filed under brilliant, design, get inspired, True Story

Just a Sprinkle a Day…

I’m really digging this deviant art trend – urban landscape as inspiration and canvas.

Street artist, Morfai, is responsible for bad-assifying transforming this statue called Seeder in Kaunas, Lithuania.

In addition to the actual piece there is an interesting short video brainstorm of the ideas that Morfai threw around before deciding on the handful of star dust.


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Filed under brilliant, design, get inspired, trends

Making Do With What You Have

A perfect Batman drawn over the shadow of a crosswalk box on the sidewalk near the corner of Iroquois Shore on Trafalgar Road in Oakville Ontario.

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Filed under brilliant, design, get inspired

The New Crunk

Krink.  Basically the gold standard in marking products for both street and studio environments developed by graffiti writer/artist, Craig “KR” Costello.  The most notorious and recognizable (to my the untrained eye) effect is the dripping ink aesthetic that has graced many phone booths, mailboxes and subway windows.  This is the stuff I am talking about…

This stuff reminds me of late night shinanagins in the LES.  Good times… Anyway, if you aren’t getting your fill of this deviant art how about tucking your Mac away in a Krink-ed out sleeve developed by InCase+Krink+Arkitip.  (yeah, I said “krinked-out”… so?) 

I am sure you have figured out by now that this has pretty much nothing to do with crunking… but if the mere mention of the dance has inspired you, check out the “how to crunk” instructions.

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Filed under brilliant, design, get inspired, trends, Yes please!


This is first time I have seen deviant art on a boat.  Who does this kind of work?  A pirate?  Regardless, I dig it…

So a pirate walks into a bar and sits down. 

The bartender comes over to take his order and notices a steering wheel on his lap.  Curious, the bartender asks, “what’s up with the steering wheel?”

The pirate answers, ” Aaaargh!  Don’t know… but it’s drivin’ me nuts!”

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Filed under design, good times, trends

Weebles Wobble But They Dont Fall Down

I do not condone defacing property… in fact, seeing it done brings the crazy, right-winged, (redundant, I know) personality-I-prefer-to-pretend-doesn’t-exist out of me.  However, when I find street art done WELL in an appropriate spot, I am not only impressed but I egg it on. 

Case in point:

And this wonky-eyed view is actually painted on a construction barricade in Paris.

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What’s not to love?


Filed under brilliant, design, Yes please!

Mind the GAP

A while ago, I mentioned an awesome graffiti artist called Ellis G.  Well, he is showcased in a new ad campaign, The Sound of Color, for the GAP.  The campaign, which is quite cool actually, includes up-and-coming musicians who have each created a song that reflects a particular color.  Those songs have been turned into videos by kick-ass directors… well, at least one of them is kick-ass… and by kick-ass I mean seriously obsessed with muay thai… but I digress.Ryan Ebner (aka the kick-ass director) directed the Digby video for her song about the color yellow.  In it he follows noticethings-veteran Ellis G. while he traces the shadows of city objects in yellow chalk.  It makes me feel all warm inside… 


If you want to check out the rest, you can find these music videos at soundofcolor.com.

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Don’t even get me started on the Natalie Shea graffiti case… but it did get me thinking.


Defacing property is not cool… even if the person deserves it.  However, that doesn’t mean that all graffiti is bad.

Case and point… Ellis G.  His work has a cult following (as it should in my opinion) for his chalk outlines throughout NYC.  I actually overheard a dude, who was unchaining his bike in the LES one night, tell his buddy that he was officially a NYer now that his bike had been shadowed by the tricky Ellis G.  And upon my eavesdropping I instantly felt jealous…



Check out BUFFdiss, a street artist, who uses masking tape to create his pieces.  All it takes is a simple yank and the art is gone. 



There is also SAS, Street Advertising Services, who ‘tag’ logos on dirty surfaces, walls, roads, pavement and even road signs using a stencil and a high-powered steam machine.  This technique actually cleans your logo onto a surface… genius!


Where there’s a will creative mind, there’s a way… something we should keep in mind as we develop new media plans for clients.

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